Jan Jagriti Sewa Samiti (JJSS) is focussing on empowerment programmes and enabling poor families to get sustainable livelihoods to overcome the poverty. JJSS is implementing programmes with aim to help families to make them technically skillful to improve their livelihoods and survival.

Due to lack of access to employment and due to circumstances sustainable livelihood is required in the rural areas so JJSS is working to improve productive activities overcoem the families from the poverty in rural areas.
JJSS is working on such programmes that address the issue of access to employment or sustainable livelihood and create jobs by linking local small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs.
Jan Jagriti Sewa Samiti’s empowerment programs are aligned with Sustainable Development Goals related to elimination of poverty, promotion of sustainable agriculture and job creation. The focus of activities of JJSS are concentrated in the fields of Education, Health and Community Development which are the areas of greatest need and attention. All social programmes are inter-related and connected together to make a sustainable development of people of society.

Cleanliness programme “Swachch Bharat Abhiyan” is concerned and connected to health and improve the better living environment, so JJSS is working on cleanliness programme and organised many Cleanliness campaigns in rural and urban areas.
JJSS also organised and supported Yoga campaigns. Yoga is one of the main focus area of the programmes of JJSS. Through Yoga camps JJSS connected many persons who wish to improve the health and skills by the traditional practices.
JJSS has been running education programmes sine its inception and the social activists members of JJSS are already working on educational programmes and activities like teaching by orgnising camps in the villages and slum areas and teaching in the government schools. Now after the formation of organisation JJSS team is focussing educational programme on priority based campaign, achieved expected success and moving ahead to provide quality education continuously to needy children.

Jan Jagriti Sewa Samiti has clear inderstanding that the poverty can be eradicated by connecting the youth to employment and make them self reliant in the rural areas. JJSS has initiated some vocational training and transformation program to help the underprivileged youth to secure stable employment. JJSS has achieved some small achievemnts to create the skil development initiatives for unemployed and economically backward youth by connecting them with job options. JJSS enables inclusive growth by empowering families below poverty line.
As an Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) JJSS is playing a prominent role in education, health and cleanliness in the working areas with its available resources.